Simple question: "Is the market going up or down?"
My link today is to a cartoonist's work that I would have missed if I hadn't peeked into my spam filter. This guy is doing some really intriguing stuff. I'm not even sure where exactly to link to him because he's completely skipping the usual "print your strip in the paper and then eventually sell stuff with your characters printed on it" scenario. He's got a home page. But he's making full use of Flickr by actually posting strips there. And he's got great looking stuff on Zazzle and a book on Lulu. And he uses Blogspot to tie things together. And you can even watch him draw on YouTube. But what I find most fascinating is the way his work seamlessly integrates vintage comics by his great-grandfather (who has his own fascinating story) into a world that is at once retro and cutting-edge. How far ahead of his time was his great-grandfather to have called his feature Laugh-Out-Loud (LOL) Cats way back in 1912? -- casey
I liked your cartoon this week and the cartoons on your link too. I'll keep checking back to see new ones.
Thanks for pointing out that site. I've seen his work on boingboing, but I had no idea he was using the web this way.
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